TeeChart SYSSTAT Reader

It’s an app for .NET Core 3.1 WinForm which reads in information from a popular system administrator tool for Linux, and its source code is published on our GitHub here. The sysadmin tool we’re talking about here is called sysstat, and you can read all about it on its GitHub page here. As you can […]

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TeeChart for .NET with Razor and Blazor under Net.Core 3

The TeeChart for .NET Core components may be used in a Razor component to add reusable code to your project portfolio. This post reviews two approaches, the use of a static TeeChart image rendered to the page and the use of a live Javascripted TeeChart. Example project here: https://github.com/Steema/TeeChart-NET-Pro-Samples/tree/main/Blazor/NET%206 Image shows project output Setting up […]

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A brief introduction to TeeGrid.NET

Do please download the source code and/or the executable binary for this article. TeeGrid.NET is a high-performance alternative to Visual Studio’s DataGridView which also offers more flexibility in data rendering. This article will show you, step-by-step, how to use TeeGrid.NET to connect to your data and some of the most important advantages it has over […]

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TeeChart for NET with MVC

TeeChart’s MVC & ASP.NET Charting options For MVC, TeeChart for .NET can either render as a static image format such as PNG or JPEG or as a live javascript HTML5 Canvas object. See this page for some examples:TeeChart MVC examples page. Some of the techniques used by TeeChart’s native ASP.NET Webform chart have been enabled […]

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