We’re excited to introduce you yet another addition to our TeeChart .NET line of products. This time, we’re focusing on comfort and ease of use for programmers. While TeeChart for WinForms presents the programmers with a fully-featured designer, the visual support in other platforms is more lacking. I’m referring to what we call the XAML […]
Category: Xamarin
Xamarin development environments
DashBoards and Data Visualization using Xamarin.Forms and TeeChart
DashBoards and Data Visualization using Xamarin.Forms and TeeChart This article is going to show how easy it is to create dashboard designs to show information, especially data, by using the layouts included in Xamarin.Forms and how to use the TeeChart charting library, which fully supports Xamarin.Forms. In this example several Charts will be added to […]
TeeChart NET for iOS and Xamarin.iOS Unified API
As you know the TeeChart NET for iOS have been available since the first MonoTouch version created by Xamarin team. The TeeChart product allows to add professional Charts to your apps easily. With a very few lines of code you can create the Chart, customize it, set a DataSource for the data and add as […]
Real-time charting with TeeChart for Xamarin.Android
To complete the zooming and panning functionality description in the multi-touch article, I should also speak about one last case which concerns real-time performance. Actually, this is not a zoom/pan style but the lack of it. It’s the the TChart.Zoom.Style property value not covered on that article, ZoomStyles.None. So, what does ZoomStyles.None consists of exactly? It disables zooming […]
Multi Touch with TeeChart for Xamarin.Android
Now that you know how to get started with TeeChart for Xamarin.Android, let’s get into a more interesting topic, multi-touch with TeeChart and Xamarin.Android. From its inception, TeeChart for Xamarin.Android supports multi-touch gestures. However, since the release of build in June 2014, the multi-touch offering has been extended with the implementation of the entire ZoomStyles.Classic functionality. In this […]
Getting started with TeeChart for Xamarin.Android
It’s been some time now since TeeChart for Xamarin.Android was released, in August 2012, following the path Xamarin started drawing about one year before. While Xamarin has made huge progress during this time, the corresponding TeeChart version has also evolved and improved during this time. If you are reading this, you probably got started with […]