The Use of TeeChart Charting Libraries in EMD International’s Renewable Energy Solutions

Climate change is the greatest global challenge of our time, affecting ecosystems, economies and communities worldwide.Countries like Denmark are leading the fight against climate change with a strong focus on renewable energy and companies like EMD International A/S , a leading developer of software and global consulting for the energy industry, play a key role […]

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TeeChart Charting Libraries use cases

TeeChart Charting Libraries use cases TeeChart charting libraries, developed by Steema Software, are highly specialized tools for creating data visualizations. These libraries allow for the generation of advanced, dynamic, and customizable charts, facilitating the presentation of information in a comprehensible and visually appealing way. TeeChart has been implemented across various industries, and its capabilities range […]

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TeeChart in a MudBlazor web

Introduction Taking a quick look at the MudBlazor environment, we thought it would be interesting to put a TeeChart in there. What we’ll look at in this article: Reference project source code: TeeChart On MudBlazor example project Setup MudBlazor I started by installing the MudBlazor components following the steps on this page: I […]

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Zoom and Scroll 2D Charts in Mobile

Some time ago, we wrote a post about using Delphi Gestures with TeeChart. It covered 3D Charts and showed how we can use TGestureManager to modify ZoomFloat, ElevationFloat and RotationFloat properties of the TChart. This technique still works perfectly nowadays and the same concept can be applied to 2D charts. We just need to modify […]

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Updated PDF Export in TeeChart .NET

We are pleased to announced a greatly improved PDF Export facility available in all versions of TeeChart .NET from the latest version onward. We’ve re-written our PDF Export facility to use the NuGet libraries PdfSharp (for .NET Framework) and PdfSharpCore (for .NET 5.0 and upwards). We’ve written a simple test app in .NET 6.0 which […]

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