TeeChart Java version

Copyright (c) 2006-2021 by Steema Software SL.
All Rights Reserved.

Support forum:
Wishes and issues:

Release Notes 4th Aug 2021
Build 3.2021.0804



Release Notes 12th Sep 2019
Build 3.2019.0912


1) [B2224] New alignment option for vertical-axis labels
2) [B2222] Shape Series' Shape disappears when moved out of the bounding axes
3) [B2144] title of vertical axis misplaced
4) [B2179] Marks and MarksTip showing strange character when using MarksStyle.LEGEND
5) [B2141] Transparent Legend uses wrong pen in symbols
6) [B2114] Null points sometimes drawn in FastLine with TreatNulls=tnDontPaint
7) [B2008] Null points sometimes drawn when FastLine series has DrawAllPoints=false

Release Notes 05th Mar 2018
Build 3.2018.0305

1) [B1086]
Issue with beveling on Chart Panel
2) [B1999]
NearestPoint tool considers Null points as valid points
3) [B2003]
Null points sometimes still being drawn

New Features
1) [B422] [TJ71016489]
Some demos with movement for both SWT, Swing and Android
2) [B435] [TJ71016111]
Add some events in Android equivalent to MouseMove, OnMouseDown and OnMouseUp

Release Notes 22th Jun 2017
Build 3.2017.0622

1) [B1555]
MouseWheel event isn't fired in Swing
2) [B1695]
ScrollPager tool zoom only in the parent chart
3) [B1856]
NullPointerException drawing an IsoSurface depending on the values
4) [B1603]
ColorGrid series problems

New Features
1) [B1165]
Rotated property for the Marks on a Pie
2) [B1779]
Add InsideSlice, Rotated and RotateStyle properties to Pie Marks
3) [B1882]
Align the Pie and Donut better the center of the ChartRect
4) [B1883]
Concentric Pies
5) [B432] [TJ71016221]
Align the gauges better in the center

Release Notes 19th Apr 2016
Build 3.2016.0419

1) [B999]
NPE when trying clone series. Fixed.
2) [B1040]
Some standardisation added to Swing Editors for Line, Point,
Area and Bar Series.
3) [B1107]
Dashed lines show as solid in Android. Fixed.
4) [B1175]
Changed event for the Calendar series. Fixed.
5) [B1178]
FontSeriesColor for the SeriesMarks. Fixed.
6) [B1168]
RoundRectangle BarStyle. Fixed.
7) [B1166]
Pen Color on a Pie with ColorEach. Fixed.
8) [B1105]
The footer title automatic position isn't correct. Fixed.
9) [B1294]
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Pie chart. Fixed.
10) [B1389]
must be public. Fixed.
11) [B1429]
CandleStyle.CANDLEBAR with hidden Open and Close
pens doesn't show value when High=Low. Fixed.
12) [B953]
Issue with sample charts. Fixed.
13) [B1263]
Android: Zoom Bug on Android 5.1.0. Fixed.
14) [B1421]
Paint lockup with axis autoscaling with less than 2
unique Y values. Fixed.
15) [B1426]
Bottom Axis labels area is scaled with chart size and
labels can get clipped. Fixed.
16) [B1422]
Calling clicked method for CustomPolar class always
returns zero. Fixed.
17) [B774]
Center Position of Annotation Tool. Fixed.
18) [B445+B434] [TJ71014185]+[TJ71016135]
XML serialisation fixes.
19) [B1441]
3D in Histogramview does not work. Fixed.
20) [B1000]
GUI issues in ChartEditor frame. Fixed.
21) [B443] [TJ71015145]
SWT Memory leak issues. Fixed.
22) [B439] [TJ71015949]
Cached rectangles incorrect init. Fixed.
23) [B1339]
Almost no field is copied when cloning descendants
of Series. Fixed.
24) [B1177]
Smoothed property duplicates the series in the editor.
25) [B444] [TJ71014573]
Pie lighting effect gradients. Fixed.
26) [No bug id]
Partial delete of Series points via Series.delete was
not reaching all Valuelists in a multilist Series. Now Fixed.
27) [B1027]
Android: Crash when exporting a SeriesBand Tool. Fixed.

New Features
1) [B1140]
New FollowSeriesColor property for the Marks.
2) [B1168]
New ROUNDRECTANGLE BarStyle for the Bar series.
3) [B1191]
New ROUNDRECTANGLE TextShapeStyle for the Marks.
4) [No ID]
BubbleCloud Series.
The BubbleCloud Series plots data relatively,
displaying bubbles of diminishing size, spiralling
outwards to represent different Series values.
5) [No ID]
New Marks Tail property to include trailing tail
from Mark to point.

Release Notes 8th Jan 2015
Build 3.2015.0108

1) [B1027]
Crash when exporting a SeriesBand Tool in Android.
2) [B1022]
NullPointerException when setting an image as a
series pattern. Fixed.
3) [B436]
Surface doesn't respond to the different palettes.
4) [B997]
Right-click to move chart changes sizing
of Bar Series' Bars. Fixed.
5) [B999]
NPE when trying clone series. Fixed.
Fix resolves issues related to Image
serialisation that may have provoked
symptoms in other areas.
6) [B1040]
Some changes made to some Series Editors
to bring similarities in appearance

Release Notes 27th Nov 2014
Build 3.2014.1127

1) [B782]
Left Axis Title is drawn out of the window when
MaximumOffset is used. Fixed.
2) [792]
Tools Gallery produces a NullPointerException when
adding a new Tool. Fixed.
3) [855]
Android Chart Bar Series Mark not clipped. Fixed.
4) [894]
ChartMouseListener events don't work with
ZoomStyle.INCHART_MULTI. Fixed.
5) [925]
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when unzooming a chart
with a CustomAxis created after zooming. Fixed.
6) [943]
Setting an image to the Back Wall makes the image to
appear also in the panel background. Fixed.
7) [No ID]
Improvements for mousedrag panning on Logarithmic
8) [B882]
Down arrow button in the editor doing nothing. Fixed.
9) [B952]
Delete, Title, Clone and Change buttons are active on
the editor opening even if no series are present. Fixed.
10) [B962]
Pie serie cloning doesn't copy come properties like
Circled, 3D or Rotation. Fixed.
11) [B884]
Axis Labels did not correctly position when rotated on
chart. Fixed.
12) [B879]
NullPointerException when you change series type through
the editor and select the series in the tree. Fixed.

New Features
1) [No ID]
New Flat Theme.
2) [B812]
Append a chart into an existing svg file.

Release Notes 19th May 2014
Build 3.2014.0519

1) [B762] crashes with
"org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Graphic is
disposed". Fixed.
2) [B565]
Null bars are still drawn. Fixed.
3) [B429]
Having two bar series, each one with one value,
the second one isn't drawn. Fixed.
4) [B430]
Having a Bar series with a unique value, the mark
isn't drawn. Fixed.
5) [B704]
Series.changeType changes series order in series

New Features
1) [B418] - [TJ71016699]
SeriesRegion tool for Swing, SWT, Android and
2) [No Bug ID]
Android version, new Multitouch zoom/scroll
functionality. Use:

Release Notes 19th Dec 2013
Build 3.2013.1219

This version has been built with Java JDK 1.6. If
you have a special requirement to use JDK 1.5
please contact us.

1) [No Bug ID]
A significant improvement to TeeChart Java SWT
version's cleanup of GDI resources.
2) [B13]
UnZoom event not working. Fixed.
3) [B62]
CustomSeries (derivable) assign failed when
setting brushes. Fixed.
4) [B113]
FastLineSeries failed on array add. Fixed.
5) [B416] - [TJ71016752]
Adding a null point in a Bar series produces an
IndexOutOfBoundsException. Fixed.
6) [B417] - [TJ71016731]
Some Axis label increments did noty calculate
properly when the view characteristic of the
first and last labels differed from most of the
rest. Now fixed.
7) [No Bug ID]
Binary serialization limitation in previous
releases - Serialization in previous builds had
the limitation of not being readable by
applications built in different machines under
Eclipse due to the auto-generation of
serialization keys. We have chosen to apply
fixed serialization ids to control this
characteristic. Binary serialization files
built with this release and later releases will
be compatible. Older serialialization files may
remain unreadable. We can help customers with
any specific requests for the porting of old
8) [Bug 419] - [TJ71016662]
Numeric Gauge in CircularGauge not custom
positonable. Not reproducable in this version.
9) [Bug 421] - [TJ71016499]
Legend colours not correct when displayed as
single line symbols.
10) [Bug 423] - [TJ71016478]
The RelativeGradient doesn't seem to work for
Bar Series. Fixed.
11) [B425]
Having a Bar series, if you set the gradient
StartColor and EndColor, the StartColor is
correctly used, but the series' Color is used
instead of the EndColor. Fixed.
12) [No Bug ID]
Opening Custom derived Series in Swing Editor
could cause Editor crash. Error now recovers
from/ignores unknown Series type.
13) [No Bug ID]
Demo project 'view code' option not working
correctly. Fixed.
14) [B424] - [TJ71016466]
Clicked function produces a StackOverflow when
moving from a segment to a pointer in a Line
series. Fixed.
15) [B427] - [TJ71016413]
Animation repaint was not working correctly
under SWT. Fixed.
16) [B428] - [TJ71016386]
Cumulative Function didn't sum correctly for
period delimited ranges. Fixed.

New Features
1) Swing version double-buffering applied for large
performance improvement.

Known issues
1) [B490]
XML Serialization not functioning correctly.

Release Notes 17th May 2013
Build 3.2013.0517

1) [No Bug ID]
Stream Image Export was not active in last updates.
2) [TJ71016383]
Null points still drawn when FastLine series uses
DrawAllPointsStyle.MinMax. Fixed.
3) [TJ71016460]
NullPointerException when calling getFaceBrush()
from a CircularGauge without a parent chart. Fixed.
4) [TJ71016461]
Left axis restores wrong Ticks&MinorTicks pen and
Labels font when CircularGauge is disposed. Fixed.
5) [TJ71016486]
The removeAllSeries function doesn't clean the Series
assigned to the legend, if any. Fixed.
6) [TJ71016526]
The legend checkboxes don't have a background. Fixed.
7) [TJ71016528]
SeriesTitle, PointIndex and PercentRelative MarksStyles
show empty Marks. Fixed.
8) [TJ71016479]
The Font Shadows drawn in the same color than the Font.
9) SWT memory leak issue originating from mouse handlers
now resolved.

New Features
1) Clicked function for ErrorPoint and ErrorPoint3D
2) Export to Javascript support.

Release Notes 08 August 2012
Build 3.2012.0808

1) [TJ71016050]
Rotate Tool broken in SWT. Fixed.
2) [TJ71016208]
Pie's Clicked function returned 0 when the mouse
was over the series instead of returning the
slice ValueIndex. Fixed.
3) [TJ71016219]
Gauges and Smith series draw an strange arc in Android.
4) [No Bug ID]
TeeChart was failing to render new images correctly when
called out of the context of having a pre-rendered
Chart. Fixed.
5) [TJ71016220]
Changing Gauges's axis increment has no effect, it is
forced to 10. Fixed.

New Features
1) [TJ71016038]
Axis Labels strings are now customizable for the
CircularGauge with the AxisLabelResolver.
2) [TJ71016194]
Click event of CircularGauge and LinearGauge.
3) [TJ71016201]
First and MinMax DrawAllPointsStyle added for FastLine
series when DrawAllPoints=false.
4) [TJ71016207]
setDisplayTotalAngle and setDisplayRotationAngle to allow
drawing semicircular CircularGauge.
5) [TJ71016216]
Various enhancements in the Gauges' TRIANGLE HandStyle.
6) [TJ71016284]
New ToolListener with a toolActiveChanged event called
in the setActive method.

Release Notes 2nd February 2012
Build 3.2012.0202

1) [TJ71015968]
CursorTool, DragPoint and ColorLine tools Cursor style is
an arrow when dragging in SWT. Fixed.
2) [TJ71015973]
MarksLocation.Center doesn't draw the marks in the correct
position when the bars are stacked. Fixed.

New Features
1) [TJ71015971]
New ScrollPager tool.
2) [TJ71016007]
New Reset function for LinearGauges.

This is the first BETA release. Please see the executable
demos under the Examples folder for live examples of new
Release Notes 11th November 2011

1) [TJ71015679]
Add with color doesn't set the colors correctly when the
XValues you add are unsorted. Fixed.
2) [TJ71015687]
Extra front side drawing the whole circumference with the
last slice brush, in a 3D pie with transparency. Fixed.
3) [TJ71015695]
Some wrong polygons are drawn in a pie or donut with
transparency & lighning. Fixed.

New Features
1) [TJ71015677]
OnTop property for SeriesMarks.
2) [TJ71015686]
Pie pen in the same color of the slice.
3) [TJ71015790]
Mouse Position and Button given in ChartMouseEvent.
4) [TJ71015828]
New UniqueCustomRadius property to control if
SetOtherCustomRadius is called when changing CustomXRadius
or CustomYRadius in Circular series (Pie and Donut)

Release Notes 15th june 2011

- [TJ71011557]
Chart preview hasn't enough width.
Now fixed (width changed from 220 to 620).
- [TJ71015403]
Problems if we have large legend title and legend's
position is top or bottom.
Now fixed.
- [TJ71013392]
Java AWT Font does not have Underline property by default
We changed the way to do Underline.
Now fixed.
- [TJ71013869]
When we use downsampling function and we scroll to right
in a chart with Points series some points dissapears.
Now fixed.
- [TJ71014824]
When we add Bars with value equal to zero a line is still
Now fixed changing draw conditions in Bar and HorizBar.
- [TJ71015148]
Problem having extra caracter in AxisTitle with eclipse.
Now fixed changing a property in getText method.
- [TJ71014617]
Problem painting points when their successor is
Added drawBetweenPoints = true in Line constructor.
Now fixed.
- [TJ71013041]
Problem paint contour's when marks are not visible.
Contour is painted in black.
Now fixed adding penPrepare(pen, g) in polyLine method

Please send feedback to:
TeeChart for Java version 2

Copyright (c) 2006-2010
by Steema Software SL
All Rights Reserved.
email: general:
support forum:
Release Notes Notes 15th July 2011

- [TJ71015660]
MarksStyle.PERCENT with decimals. Now fixed.
- [TJ71015661]
Penultimate Pointer not visible in Line series when
bottom axis is inverted. Now fixed.

Release Notes Notes 20th June 2011

- [TJ71011557]
Chart preview hasn't enough width.
Now fixed(width changed from 220 to 620).
- [TJ71013392]
Java AWT Font does not have Underline property by default
We changed the way to do Underline.
Now fixed.
- [TJ71013869]
When we use downsampling function and we scroll to right
in a chart with Points series some points dissapears.
Now fixed.
- [TJ71014824]
When we add Bars with value equal to zero a line is still
Now fixed changing draw conditions in Bar and HorizBar.
- [TJ71015148]
Problem having extra caracter in AxisTitle with eclipse.
Now fixed changing a property in getText method.
- [TJ71014617]
Problem painting points when their successor is
Added drawBetweenPoints = true in Line constructor.
Now fixed.
- [TJ71013041]
Problem painting contour's when marks are not visible.
Contour is painted in black.
Now fixed adding penPrepare(pen, g) in polyLine method
- [TJ71015403]
Problems if we have large legend title and legend's
position is top or bottom.
Now fixed.
- [TJ71015139]
Axis increment calculation affected by Java double
rounding precision. Now fixed (14 decimal places).
- [TJ71015425]
BarSeries side by side stacked bars' far left bar
painting incorrectly when scrolled. Fixed.
- [TJ71015368]
Negative bars of staired AreaSeries on origin
relative axis when used with Swing, painted
transparently. Now fixed.
- [No BUG ID]
When Legend Top-positioned, spacing of Bottom Axis
to Chart border inadequate. Resolved.

Release Notes Notes 10th Dec 2010

- [TJ71015299]
Candle.delete(int index) overload implemented.
- [TJ71015219]
Inconsistency when scrolling a chart from
right to left. Fixed.
- [TJ71014362]
Generic 3D Orthogonal click sensitivity
improved. Specific additional modifications
made for PieSeries clicks.
- [No BUG ID]
Improvements to custom Object positioning when

Release Notes Notes 4th Feb 2010

- [No BUG ID]
Installer phone-activation dialogue error
with release only. Now resolved.
- [No BUG ID]
Error when trapping Series click events on
mousemove over Chart background. Fixed.

Release Notes Notes 25th Jan 2010

- [TJ71014408]
Legend's Clicked method not working correctly
when Legend's FirstValue<>0. Fixed.
- [No BUG ID]
Fix incorrectly painting Walls when size > 0.

Release Notes Notes 26th June 2009

- [No BUG ID]
General improvements to the ColorGrid Series.

Release Notes Notes 12th May 2009

- [No BUG ID]
Legend symbol spacing incorrectly constanted for
some non-english languages. Fixed.

Release Notes Notes 27th April 2009

- [TF02012922]
When Series Unchecked and Marks Active, incorrect
mark was shown. Fixed.

Release Notes Notes 22nd January 2008
First Release version 2


1) [TJ71013569]
Axis' maxLabelsWidth method was failing to
return correct labelSize when run in new
form/Chart load. Fixed.

Release Notes Notes 24th November 2008
First Release version 2

Please see New features.txt for list of main new
featurelist for v2.

The current TeeChart SWT version is built with the
following supporting libraries:

- org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86_3.4.1.v3449c.jar
- org.eclipse.swt_3.4.1.v3449c.jar
- org.eclipse.jface_3.4.1.M20080827-2000.jar
- org.eclipse.draw2d_3.4.0.v20080529.jar

BETA Release Notes Notes 16th May 2008

TeeChart SWT Version. First beta version.

Files included:
- TeeChartSWT.jar
- Release.txt
- Example project 'TeeChartClientProject' folder

- This TeeChart version includes no Editor dialogues
- list of dependencies used when compiling this version

Plans for next update:
- Addition of Print Preview Dialogue
- Improvements to double-buffering smoothness
- More improvements and new features (not related specfically to SWT format)

Please send feedback to:
TeeChart for Java version 1

Copyright (c) 2006-2008
by Steema Software SL
All Rights Reserved.
email: general:
support forum:

Release Notes Notes 31st Oct 2008

- Datetime Label increment not correct in automatic
mode. Fixed.
- BoxPlot series percentile calculation enhanced.
- [TJ71012855] Histogram series not plotted
correctly after zooming. Fixed.
- [TJ71013137] CursorTool's setSeries method
raised an exception. Fixed.
- CursorTool's editor could not be loaded. Fixed.
- [TJ71012778] add(ArrayList, ArrayList) method
non-functional. Fixed.
- [TJ71013286] add method using a string argument
raised an exception. Fixed.
- [No bug id] Automatic Multiline Axis labels
were not displaying correctly for DateTime.
- [TJ71013450] The ColorGrid Series did not
previously support Series OnClick. Now added.
- [TF02013442] Smith series circle unnecessarily
reduced in size when Marks made visible. Fixed.
- [TJ71013466] BoxPlot Pointer Edit modifications
made for ExtrOut MildOut.

Release Notes Notes 22nd May 2008

- Corrected string constant call in Editor Dialogue
- [TJ71012734] The Editor Colour-selector was being
recalled on close. Fixed.
- [TJ71012746] Pie Focus tool. Improvement to
selection outline when Pie exploded.
- [TJ71012806] Multiline Titles were losing
characters at newline. Fixed.
- [TJ71012870] Histogram Series Click sensitivity
- [TJ71012878] AnimatedZoom now correctly displays
stepped zoom.
- [TJ71012906] Zoom now active when initiated from
over Series points.

Release Notes Notes 19th May 2008

- Printer settings were not updating properly when
modified. Now corrected.
- Chart was overpainting JScrollPane scrollbar when
frame resized. Fixed.
- DrawLineTool last Line incorrectly selected with any
other selected Line. Fixed.
- Font name change wasn't being accepted correctly.
Now resolved.
- The Spline function was not incrementing capacity
correctly beyond 25. Fixed.
- The ChartEditor default Chart name displayed the
runtime Chart Control handle. That has been
considered of little practical use. Default text
will now be limited to "Editing" (or localised
equivalent). Please use overload that takes string
to add you Editor Chart name.

Release Notes Notes 14th November 2007

- Non-Linear Series Labels were not being ordered
correctly. Fixed.
- GaugeSeries did not plot its Axis correctly.
- CCI Function did not plot full range of points.
- Improved sensitivity on CandleSeries mouseover
- Zoom mousedown was causing disappearance of custom
content (Chart Paint event elements). Fixed.
- Improved mouseover sensitivity on Volume Series.
- FastLineSeries not autoline generating for datasets
with a single point. Previously required use of
SetChart. Now resolved.
- Bubble Series. Improved Click sensitivity.
- Corrected problem with click sensitivity when using
the MarkTip Tool and multiple Series in the Chart.

Release Notes 8th October 2007

- RemoveAllSeries failed when removing Function. Fixed.
- Custom Multiline Marks were not correctly including
newline when in multiline mode. Now fixed.
- Fixed Momentum Div example in demo.
- Editor Gallery not sizing correctly to page quantity.
- Non-Latin Unicode characters were not rendering
correctly to Chart. Now fixed.
- Custom Axes now display correctly in the Editor

- New! XML Data import
- New! Multiline Marktip support
- New! Marktip display time configurable
- New! ADX financial function
- New! Bollinger Bands function
- New! MACD financial function
- New! Exponential Moving Average financial function
- New! RSI financial function
- New! SAR financial function
- New! Stochastic financial function

Release Notes September 2007

- Zoom clip area not clipping correctly on bottom Axis.
Now fixed.
- Fix no standard tooltips after usage of MarksTip tool
- Fix bug in Curve Fitting Demo application
- Fix ClassCastException of ShapeEditor class
- Fix NullPointerException when trying to open ButtonPen in
shape/arrow editor
- Fix MissingResourceException in function Export
(exporting to BMP, JPEG, PNG) in ChartEditor
- Installer phone (offline) activation not functioning
correctly. Fixed.


Release Notes June 2006

- TeeChart Jars provided compiled with JDK1.4.
Previous version provided as 1.5 dependant compilation.

Release Notes June 2006
First "TeeChart for Java version 1" release.

Please send feedback to: