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Polyline/Polygon question

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:39 pm
by 10546824
I have BDS 2006 running on XP sp 2 . I create a form, drop a TTree on it then double click on the TTree component to open the editor. I select either the polygon or polyline tool. Then I click in the editor field and start laying out my polygon or polyline. How do I tell the mouse I have done with the drawing? I cannot seem to get the mouse to release the line unless I move to the tool bar and select a different tool and then it does release but not without drawing one further line towards where the mouse disappears from the screen. Also, if I do this twice, ie. select the polygon tool, draw my polygon, select a different tool to release the polygon and then reselect the polygon tool to start a new polygon and then actually start the new polygon, I get an access violation that required shutting Delphi down by killing the process.

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 9:28 pm
by Tom
You can stop drawing a polygon or polyline by pressing the ESC key.