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Problems binding to ObjectDataSource

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 6:58 am
by 8127912

I am using the evaluation version for TeeChart .NET v2 Build 2.0.2306.26234.

I would like to use the WebChart component in an application using ASP.NET 2.0 where the WebChart will be part of a custom made user control (a web part).

I have a couple of questions where I would appreciate some help:

1. I would like to bind the WebChart to an ObjectDataSource but I cannot get it to work. First I tried to bind in design time using the TeeChart Editor->Series->Datasource but there are no items in the dropdown list for connecting to a dataset. Is binding to an ObjectDataSource supported?

2. I also tried to bind in run-time by copying the data from my ObjectDataSource to a DataTable and then bind to the DataTable in the following way:
line1.YValues.DataMember = myDataTable.ToString();
line1.DataSource = myDataTable;
but I cannot get that to work either. Any suggestions?

3. I am also trying to use the ClickLegend event but the event is never fired even though I have set AutoPostBack to true.

4. I am using the user control as a web part in SharePoint but I only get a red cross where the WebChart should be displayed.

It could be that these features are not working in the evaluation version but are fullly functional in a different version. Please indicate what features are supported in what versions.

Thank you for your help.
