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Use TChart.NET with Mono / #Develop ?

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 10:23 am
by 10545590
Hi !

Is it possible to use TChart.NET with Mono to have crossplatform applications?
And if it´s possible ... Can I compile 64Bit Applications, too?

We think about going away from Delphi and move to the .NET technology.
But TChart is our important component and I want to ensure that it´s running in Mono, too.

Greetz Dominik

Re: Use TChart.NET with Mono / #Develop ?

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 1:48 pm
by yeray
Hi Dominik,

I'm afraid we haven't done more tests with Linux+Mono since what was discussed here so the same applies to TeeChart .NET v4.

Re: Use TChart.NET with Mono / #Develop ?

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:05 pm
by 10545590
Hi Yeray,

just to understand this right ...
The problem is the licensing of the TChart component on a Linux system?

So if I install a Mono Dev. System like #develop on windows I can install TChart (even V4) ?

greetz Dominik

Re: Use TChart.NET with Mono / #Develop ?

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 3:02 pm
by narcis
Hi Dominik,

Sorry for the delayed reply.
The problem is the licensing of the TChart component on a Linux system?
This is just a part of the problem. The real problem is that TeeChart reads some settings from the Windows registry (designtime options, editor settings, license info, etc.) and non-Windows environments don't have that registry.
So if I install a Mono Dev. System like #develop on windows I can install TChart (even V4) ?
No, Monodevelop uses GTK+ while TeeChart uses GDI+ so you won't get Monodevelop to compile TeeChart applications. What you could do is compiling TeeChart applications in Visual Studio targeting .NET Framework 2.0 and then run them in Mono. We have done this successfully slightly modifying TeeChart sources and building an assembly specific for Mono. Source code customers will be able to build assemblies supporting Mono. Also, we will consider arranging a Mono installer or building "Mono-friendly" assemblies on demand.