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Tee812.bpi not found

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 2:53 pm
by 9339885
I've just downloaded TChart 8.04 and installed it to my BCB 2009 Pro. After installation, just to test it out, I dragged a TChart to a form and added a TFastlineSeries. When I click on Compile and Run, I got a msg saying that Tee812.BPI not found. I did a search and found that Tee812.bpi is located in ...\TeeChart 8.04 for Delphi 2009\Delphi12\Lib\Obj. On previous TCharts, the lib path are added automatically to the search path, how come in 8.04 this is not the case? Am I suppose to add the path manually?



Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:24 pm
by narcis
Hi Bill,

TeeChart installer should have done the job but somehow it failed. You could try adding it manually at Tools -> Options -> Environment Options -> C++ Options -> Paths and Directories -> Library Path.

Hope this helps!