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v8.04 + Large Font -> Chart Editor problems

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 4:24 pm
by 10545711
There are serious problems with Chart Editor secondary dialogs in Large Font mode.

Settings: TeeChart v.8.04, Windows XP SP3, Large Font mode (120 DPI):

The problems can be easily seen with Tee8New.exe demo:
Open "Basic Features" example and click "Show the Chart editor..." button. Check all secondary subdialogs.

Problematic subdialogs include at least:

"Border Editor", "Pointer", "Gradient Editor".

The dialogs are truncated, sometimes OK and Cancel buttons are not visible!

The problem is quite serious to me, since I have many users prefering Large Font mode.

When it would be possible to have a fix to this issue (I am a source code customer)?


Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 4:38 pm
by narcis
Hi Michael,

This is a high priority issue in the defect list (TV52011726) but I'm not able to give an estimate date for a fix at the moment.

In the meantime, and as a workaround, being a sourcecode customer enables you resizing the dialogs.

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 1:01 am
by 10545711
Hi Narcís,

Thank you for the information.

Meantime I was able to fix all these and previous issues, yet some modifications have been rather non-trivial.

A couple of additional problems for your collection:
1) TComboFlat height with Style = csOwnerDrawFixed remains that same even when Large Fonts are used. It causes weird look of this control (Border Editor dialog, Pointer dialog).
2) There is a bug in the logics of TSeriesPointerEditor initialization ( Chart Editor -> Select some Series -> Series->Marks->Arrows->"Pointer" button -> the dialog is truncated, some controls are not visible. It is not related to Large Font setting, the problem can be seen with any screen resolution using Tee8New.exe Demo.

Best regards,

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 10:41 am
by narcis
Hi Michael,
1) TComboFlat height with Style = csOwnerDrawFixed remains that same even when Large Fonts are used. It causes weird look of this control (Border Editor dialog, Pointer dialog).
Could you please give us more detailed instructions on how to reproduce this?
2) There is a bug in the logics of TSeriesPointerEditor initialization ( Chart Editor -> Select some Series -> Series->Marks->Arrows->"Pointer" button -> the dialog is truncated, some controls are not visible. It is not related to Large Font setting, the problem can be seen with any screen resolution using Tee8New.exe Demo.

This works fine for me here using v8.04. Could you please send us an image of what you get?

You can either post your files at news:// newsgroup or at our upload page.

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 5:56 pm
by 10545711
Hi Narcís,

These issues are very easily reproducible just with Tee8New.exe (stand-alone demo download is still broken at steema web site, it is necessary to use all demos download).

Please, have a look at news:// newsgroup, the same subject as here.

More detailed comments included.


Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 8:15 am
by narcis
Hi Michael,

Thanks for the information. I've added it to the original issue to be investigated.