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TeeChart 8.04 Evaluation

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 1:19 pm
by 9339885

I down loaded the eva version of TeeChart 8.04. Installed it to my BCB 2009 Pro version. When I start my BCB 2009, I got the msg saying that can't load Package Tee812, it contains unit 'TeeAbout,' which is also contained in package 'Tee8120'. What is my problem?


Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 9:22 am
by narcis
Hi BE,

This means your C++ Builder 2009 is still using default TeeChart packages. You should go to Project -> Options -> Packages and disable standard TeeChart packages and enable v8.04 ones. Go to Directories and Conditionals -> Library Path and check that $(TEELIBPATH) and $(TEELIBPATH)\Obj are on *top* of the list. Then go to C++ Compiler -> Directories and Conditionals and check that Include file search path has $(TEEINCPATH) on *top* of the list. Finally enable the left-bottom "Default" checkbox.