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TeeChart repainting issue

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 7:51 am
by 16556175

After user clicks "Copy" (to clipboard) on TeeCommander, chart stops repainting .

Even placing other application's window on top of chart, and moving it away leaves chart area messed up.

Is there any chance to fix it in coming release ?


Re: TeeChart repainting issue

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 8:48 am
by narcis
Hi Sebastian,

Thanks for reporting. I could reproduce the issue here and added it (TV52014993) to the defect list to be fixed ASAP. This is a high priority issue but at the present moment I can't commit to a fix date.

Re: TeeChart repainting issue

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:06 am
by 16556175
It seems same issue appears for "Print" and for "Save" (some formats only - eg. GIF)

Any news about incomming maintenance release?


Re: TeeChart repainting issue

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 2:23 pm
by yeray
Hi Sebastian,

It seems to be the same problem we are discussing here.
And this made me think in the following provisional workaround:

Code: Select all

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.ButtonCopyClick(Sender: TObject);
  if Assigned(TeeCommander1.Panel) then

Re: TeeChart repainting issue

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:03 am
by yeray
Hi Sebastian,

We have fixed the problem TV52014993 so it will be available in the next maintenance release.

Re: TeeChart repainting issue

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 8:52 pm
by 16556585
We are having this same repaint issue after we display a rave report in preview mode. Once the repaint has malfunctioned, the animated zoom on the chart operates much slower and flickers when zooming. The Draw() function makes the chart look right, but the zooming is not fixed until we restart the application. Before the repaint malfunctions, everything is very fast and operates smoothly. Our older applications use this zoom feature heavily. We cannot use the 2010 component for the older applications until this is fixed. However, we just bought the new component to get the multiple axis support for a project that delivers this month. When can we expect to see the maintenance release with this fix? Can we get a patch for this problem prior to the release? If we cannot get this resolved in the next couple of weeks, can you provide a list of steps to uninstall the 2010 upgrade and revert back to the Rad Studio 2007 free version until we can get this fixed?

Thanks For Your Assistance!


Re: TeeChart repainting issue

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 7:15 am
by narcis

We plan publishing the maintenance release before two weeks. Please stay tuned!

Re: TeeChart repainting issue

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:29 pm
by 16556585
Can you give us an update on your progress with this maintenance release?

Re: TeeChart repainting issue

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 5:59 pm
by yeray

We've found some troubles when testing the installers and we are working on it. I'm afraid the next release will be delayed a few weeks.

Re: TeeChart repainting issue

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 2:27 pm
by 16556585
We are currently delaying delivery of multiple projects due to the problems previously discussed. We are very interested in the maintenance release, and have been for some time (two months plus now). The installer would be preferable, but if the date continues to slip, as a source code customer, we would like a copy of the "fixed" code to compile in-house.

Thank you,

Re: TeeChart repainting issue

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 2:29 pm
by narcis

We are doing some important changes at the version and the final release is not ready yet. However, we plan to have a pre-release version out imminently. Also, in the meantime I'll send you current sources.

Re: TeeChart repainting issue

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 2:43 pm
by 16556585
Very much appreciated.

Thank you for the quick response.

Re: TeeChart repainting issue

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 3:27 pm
by 10545774
Hi Narcis,

I'm also experiencing this problem and also delaying releases to my clients because of it. could you send me, as a source code customer as well, the current sources please.

Many Thanks,

Re: TeeChart repainting issue

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:19 am
by narcis
Hi Sean,

A non-stable version was posted yesterday just before you wrote the message. You should find the installers, both binary and source code, at the client download area.

Re: TeeChart repainting issue

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:43 am
by 10545774
Hi Narcis,

Thanks, I found your post on the non-stable version when I returned to the main forum after posting my message, that was good service I thought, and promptly downloaded the new version. :D
