Australian Delphi Users Group Symposium 2023
28th April, 2023
Melbourne & Online
Steema is glad to participate with TeeChart Charting components aimed to Embarcadero RAD Studio, Delphi, C++ Builder as prize donator at the ADUG Symposium 2023.
On behalf of the Australian Delphi User Group, we would like to pass on the following message:
For those who want to stay sharp - join the ADUG symposium!
In person in Melbourne or streaming online, the annual ADUG symposium is on this April 28th to hone those skills, catch up with old friends, make some new friends, and continue working on your Zoom tan.
Speakers and talks on the day:
- Geoffrey Smith - Practical Applications of AI and ChatGPT: Exploring the Cutting Edge of AI
- Jason Tolley - Object Pascal and Web Assembly (WASM)
- Jon Aasenden - JavaScript the Delphi Way
- David Millington - ToolsAPI Plugin for the IDE
Check the full day program and the list of Sponsors and Prizes here: